Tag Archives: Russia

LEGO Technic Challenge Winner Model Sneak Peek

A little while ago, LEGO held a “You Design It, We Make It” Technic contest that involved participants creating an original LEGO Technic model and submitting it on LEGO.com. The winning builder would then work with LEGO to revise their model and it would get made as an official LEGO product. The contest ended way back in January and the winning designer was rm88 from Russia with more than 50% of the vote. Designers from LEGO Technic then worked with rm88 (real name is Egor Karshiev) over a few months until now.

LEGO Technic Challenge Winner
An image of the final model (41999) that was posted on LEGO.com a few days ago.

Jeppe Juul Jensen, from the official LEGO Technic blog on LEGO.com, posted an article a few days ago that gives us a sneak peek of the final model (set number 41999). As you can see from the images here, the model has undergone some changes, the most radical of which is the colour scheme (which I quite like). LEGO says that only 20,000 of this set will be produced and will be available for pre-order on the official LEGO.com Shop from the 1st of July 2013, with the expected release date being the 1st of August 2013.

LEGO Technic Challenge Winner
The original created by rm88 that won the “You Design It, We Make It” contest.

I quite like LEGO Technic as a theme, so I will be very interested in finding out more about this model and maybe even purchase it…maybe. 🙂 What do you think about 41999, the final model? Would you buy the LEGO Technic challenge winner model when it comes out in a few months time? Share your thoughts on rm88’s amazing winning model in the comments area below.