Tag Archives: micro

MOC of the Week: LEGO History of the World

This week’s MOC of the Week comes from Lasse Vestergård and is simply titled “History of the World“. Lasse combines micro-scale buildings from different eras in civilization with collectable minifigures that are appropriate for each time period. It starts off with the Egyptians in the top-left and ends with modern America in the bottom-right. A very well-built model and he even manages to fit in a great brick-built world map on the back on the model.

LEGO History of the World by Lasse Vestergard 1

Usually when a builder takes on such a big project with lots of details and structures in it, the end model always has something that could be improved upon or something that needs to be added. That is not the case with this creation, as pretty much everything in this model is picture perfect.

LEGO History of the World by Lasse Vestergard 2

What is your thoughts on Lasse’s LEGO History of the World? Join in the discussion in the comments below.

See all of the models we have featured for MOC of the Week here.

Want us to feature your LEGO creation? Simply submit your creation by using the Contact form (here) -make sure you put Model for MOC of the Week for the subject and upload an image of your model using the File Attachment section!

MOC of the Week: LEGO Microscale City

Paul Wellington (Luap31 on Flickr) has been working on a realistic LEGO city for quite a while and has been posting updates on his Flickr photostream every once and awhile. A few days ago, Paul posted this image of part of the skyline of Brickville – his work-in-progress LEGO mini city. Paul has built everything from football stadiums to skyscrapers and museums to all fit into the LEGO microscale city. He uses quite a bit of interesting building techniques and transparent elements in the city as you can see from the image below.

You can stay up-to-date on what Paul is building and how Brickville is coming along by following him on Flickr or MOCpages.

LEGO Microscale City by Paul Wellington

What do you think of Paul’s LEGO city? Share your opinion on this week’s MOC of the Week in the comments section below.

Check out Paul’s Flickr photostream here and MOCpages account here.

See all of the models we have featured for MOC of the Week here.

Want us to feature your LEGO creation? Simply submit your creation by using the Contact form (here) -make sure you put Model for MOC of the Week for the subject and upload an image of your model using the File Attachment section!