Tag Archives: LEGO Mixels

SDCC 2013: LEGO Mixels Revealed

Instagram member, leanalynn, has posted a photo of a new theme revealed at the 2013 San Diego Comic Con (SDCC 2013). LEGO Mixels is a small theme which will start to release sets in March 2014. From the image, Mixels appears to be some sort of LEGO incarnation of named Cartoon Network cartoon characters. Not much is known about LEGO Mixels, as the name “Mixels” doesn’t seem to be already created and linked with the Cartoon Network television channel.

LEGO Mixels 1LEGO has already set a teaser page on LEGO.com for the upcoming Mixels theme and some fans are suggesting that it might be just a theme based off a new Cartoon Network TV series called “Mixels” or something like that. The three supposedly main characters that have been unveiled are 41500 Flain (Yellow), 41504 Seismo (Black & Gray) and Volecto (Red).

LEGO Mixels 2What is interesting to note as well is the fact that down the bottom of the LEGO.com teaser page it says that Mixels is a trademark of the LEGO Group which could mean that Mixels is LEGO’s original idea and not based off something else by someone else.

The mixels.com domain name is registered with Time Warner who are an American film and television company with subsidiaries including Warner Bros, CNN, DC Comics and, funnily enough, Cartoon Network. The Mixels sets have been described on Twitter as being “mix and match sets”, whatever that means.

What do you think about this new LEGO Mixels theme so far after seeing all the information and images that we have for Mixels at the moment? Share your thoughts on the latest LEGO theme in the comments below.

Source: Brickset