Category Archives: Minecraft

LEGO Minecraft Minifigure Scale Sets Announced

LEGO Minecraft Minifigure Scale Sets Announced 1

I know that this may be old news for many but LEGO announced on it’s Minecraft Facebook page that they will be developing minifigure scale LEGO Minecraft sets and wants the LEGO and Minecraft fan communities to put their input forward. LEGO says that they’re “excited to announce that we are launching a new line of LEGO Minecraft sets in minifigure scale. Right now we are in the middle of the development of these and would love your input.”

Over the past week, the LEGO Minecraft development team have been posting updates and asking followers which style of creeper or cow is best on the Facebook page.

It seems as though the Minecraft theme has been a big success for LEGO so far, with their Micro World sets and I think that it would be a great idea to expand into minifigure scale sets. I myself am an avid player of the Minecraft game and I can’t wait to see what LEGO does next with the Minecraft brand.

Do you play Minecraft? What do you think about LEGO’s decision to expand into minifigure scale Minecraft sets? Share your thoughts on the matter in the comments below.

LEGO Minecraft The Village & The Nether Official Images

As if there hasn’t been a time when GRogall has stepped in and gave us some high-resolution official images of previously unseen sets. This time it’s the two new LEGO Minecraft sets (The Village and The Nether) that were revealed back at the 2013 San Diego Comic Con. These two sets are planned to come out on September 1st 2013 and will both be available at LEGO brand stores and the Shop. They will both cost US$34.99 each when they come out.

Click on the LEGO Minecraft images for larger view.

What do you think about both of these upcoming LEGO Minecraft sets now that official images have been revealed? Tell everyone your opinion on these sets in the comments below.

Source: Eurobricks