Category Archives: Collectable Minifigures

LEGO Minifigures Online New Trailer and Press Release

As the year of 2013 wraps up, new information (including a new trailer and press release) has been revealed for the LEGO Minifigures Online MMO (Massively Multiplayer Game) video game, being developed by Funcom. First of all, IGN released a new trailer in an article titled “Making an Online LEGO Game Work”, in which they talk to Funcom’s Executive Producer, Lawrence Poe and ask how this game will different to that of the failed LEGO Universe.

You can watch the new trailer above and read what Lawrence Poe said to IGN below.

The focus is on the minifigures and their adventures through fantastical worlds. The key aspect of the game is finding minifigures, learning to use their abilities in the best possible way, training your minifigures to become more powerful, and going through these cool worlds completing quests, defeating cool dungeon bosses and really just exploring and having fun.

Building is also an important part of the game, and its primary function is to support the adventuring experience. You’ll come across piles of LEGO bricks that can be assembled into contraptions that can help you defeat a boss, a bridge that allows you to cross a river, a jump pad that allows you to reach a specific location and so on.

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Accessibility is key for this game, so we’re trying to make it as easy as possible to get into the game and have fun. Obviously there will be a lot of younger players for this game so we are taking our time to ensure that we will provide the best experience for those young players and their parents both in terms of gameplay and the business model.

Each minifigure will have its own unique abilities that really define how they’re played. Each ability offers a different tactical approach to combat, and part of the fun is figuring out what minifigures and what abilities work best with certain types of enemies in different situations. If you’re in a dungeon, in a tight hallway, it definitely makes sense switching to the Galaxy Patrol, as his lasers will ricochet back and forth between walls.

One thing that I find interesting about what Lawrence said in the article is the fact that there will be a series of minifigures that will be released alongside the game. As we mentioned in a previous article about the game here at BrickExtra, players will be able to purchase physical minifigures and immediately begin to play them in the game with the use of codes that will be included with the minifigures.

Take a look at a new press release by Funcom about the game that was released just after the new trailer and IGN article below.

Take a Grand Tour of LEGO Minifigures Online

Funcom provides fans with massive amounts of information about the upcoming game through a brand new video and website

Oslo, Norway – December 18th, 2013 – What is ‘LEGO® Minifigures Online’ all about? Now is your chance to find out! Funcom announced today the launch of the ‘LEGO Minifigures Online’ website. With this launch, fans can learn more about the game without needing access to the beta testing. A new video [see top of article] has also launched in conjunction with the new site.

The new ‘This is LEGO Minifigures Online’ video offers a narrated tour of some of the exciting things fans will be able to do and places they can visit when the game launches next year. The video also showcases brand new, never-before-seen content such as the Pirate World, the Treasure Island dungeon and the terrifying Crikey the Kraken!

Visit to explore the site and see the video!

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“We have an amazing cast of characters and worlds in ‘LEGO Minifigures Online’, and the new video and website are a great opportunity for everyone to discover that,” says Executive Producer Lawrence Poe. “This is a game with tremendous amount of variety and there is just so much to see and experience here. Our goal is to combine accessibility with depth to make sure we make a LEGO Minifigures game that can appeal to kids of all ages.”

Visitors to the website can go even more in-depth and get a detailed look at the specific minifigures, and learn more about their abilities and their personalities. ‘LEGO Minifigures Online’ is set to release with almost one hundred different minifigures, and the website will reveal more details in the coming months!

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‘LEGO Minifigures Online’ is based on the hugely popular LEGO Minifigures collection. The minifigures are the charming characters that inhabit LEGO creations , whether it’s on a childhood bedroom floor or inside a virtual world, and over 340 million of them were sold in 2012 alone. In Funcom’s upcoming online game, the player must collect these minifigures, discover their unique abilities and bring them out on grand adventures through wonderful worlds of bricks and pixels together with thousands of other players from all over the world.

Those interested in joining the Closed Beta for ‘LEGO Minifigures Online’ can register a user account on the official website. More testers will be invited to join throughout development.

LEGO Minifigures Online will become available to play in Summer 2014 in browser on PC and Mac and on iOS and Android. You can check out more about the game at it’s official website or the LEGO Video Games page.

LEGO Minifigures Online Video Game Details

Funcom, the developers and publishers of the upcoming LEGO Minifigures online MMO game coming out in 2014, have just revealed loads more details and a teaser trailer for the game on their website. These new details and the trailer reveal more about the game, such as the fact that it will let players complete quests to enhance their character and it will take place in many memorable locations including Pirate World, Space World and Medieval World.

LEGO Minifigures Online 1LEGO Minifigures Online will be free-to-play and will be available in the second half of 2014 for the PC, Apple iOS, and Android platforms and devices. In addition to being a DirectX 11 PC client, the game will also be playable through the browser with a new technology being developed by Funcom for its DreamWorld platform.

Another thing that is noticeable about the game is that both companies will be working together to allow players who purchase the physical minifigures to be able to use them in the game immediately. You can watch the trailer above, read the press release from Funcom below or take a look at the official screenshots for the game below.

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  • Explore many wondrous worlds of LEGO each teeming with life, detail and awesome adventure! From lush islands held by swashbuckling pirates to alien worlds where the Galaxy Patrol must battle dangers such as the mind-controlling Pluuvian Brain-Beast!
  • Find, collect and play with almost one hundred different minifigures! The Ice Skater, the Chicken Suit Guy, the Roller Derby Girl, The Policeman and many, many more; millions of LEGO fans all over the world have held them in their hands and now they can step into their shoes as they explore the world of LEGO Minifigures Online!
  • Interact with the environment around you and use it to your advantage! Smash an enemy turret and re-build it to work for you, destroy a wall to discover a hidden passage and even build machines to help you take down the big bosses! Smashing stuff definitely feels good, but as all LEGO fans will know, building something feels even better!
  • Play together with thousands of other players from all over the world! Face the adventure together or engage in awesome player vs. player battles where you must build towers, traps, mines and turrets while taking on the enemy and smashing theirs!
  • Discover unique abilities with each minifigure! Take control of the rocked-out DJ and literally drop your beats on unsuspecting enemies, or assume the role of the Aztec Warrior and go to battle making sure no one is spared your mighty spear! Maybe the Plumber is your guy? Sure; unclog those baddies and make a mess of them!
  • Gather experience and level up minifigures by smashing your way through enemies, rocks and LEGO blocks! Customize your playstyle by collecting special bricks and put them together in unique shapes to upgrade abilities such as luck and creativity!
  • Since 1975, LEGO has made more than 3600 different minifigures available and Funcom will continuously keep adding more and more of these for players to collect in-game! Funcom and LEGO are working closely together to blend the physical world of LEGO with the digital one; for instance players who purchase bags containing real minifigure will immediately be able to jump into the game and play with their virtual counterparts!
  • Unravel what is surely an Academy Award Winning* story! Take on quests such as searching for buried treasure in the pirate world, rescuing the kingnapped king in the medieval world, and even helping Zeus himself in the mythology world!

What do you think about Funcom and LEGO’s new online video game? Are you excited for the 2014 release? Were you a loyal LEGO Universe player and, if so, do you think that this game will be as “big” as Universe was? Share your opinion and thoughts on all this in the comments below.