MOC of the Week: LEGO Looney Tunes

The classic Looney Tunes scene with Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck arguing over whether its Duck Season or Rabbit Season has been recreated in LEGO by Matt De Lanoy (Pepa Quin on Flickr) and is this week’s MOC of the Week. Matt created the LEGO Looney Tunes model as his seventh build in his Iron Builder challenge with Carl Merriam using the Plate W. Bows 2X3½ piece as part of Bugs’ body and as Daffy’s yellow bill.

LEGO Looney Tunes by Matt De Lanoy 1

I haven’t seen much of Looney Tunes being recreated in LEGO, but this model really caught my eye. In my opinion, the figures represent the Loony Tunes characters perfectly and the custom stickers for the season posters and done pretty much exactly to the actual cartoon (see the animated GIF below.)

LEGO Looney Tunes by Matt De Lanoy 2

You can go and check out Matt’s other LEGO creations on his Flickr photostream here.

See all of the models we have featured for MOC of the Week here.

Want us to feature your LEGO creation? Simply submit your creation by using the Contact form (here) -make sure you put Model for MOC of the Week for the subject and upload an image of your model using the File Attachment section!